Puppy Visits



Puppy Visits             $27 per visit ( 30 minutes)                                                 

Puppies don’t have physiological control over their bladders until about 16 weeks of age and even then  accidents are still very likely to happen. For an estimate in terms of how long puppies can “hold it” take their age in months and add one ( so a five month puppy can go for about six hours). Puppies  can also experience separation anxiety.  We recommend a couple visits per day for those who work an average 8 hour shift. Puppy visits  are 30 minutes and provide your puppy with a potty break and a chance to stretch her legs,  some playtime and a short walk.  These visits will aid in house/crate training and help to alleviate separation anxiety. We will reinforce the positive training your puppy is receiving , provide you with details regarding  how each visit went, and will clean out crates and change bedding if accidents have occurred. 

Contact me today!